Artist and Studio Directory – FREE basic listing for all New Mexico artists and studios.
You must register to create a listing – select the “Create A Listing” button and you will be prompted through the registration process. You will receive a confirmation email after you register, allowing you to create your listing. You are allowed up to10 small images with your free listing. Once your listing is complete it will be sent to our web department for final approval. Please allow 24-48 hours for us to review and approve your listing. Your free listing will not expire unless you log in and request a change or removal.
PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED ON THIS SITE (Select “Register” button or “Login” at top right) you will be able to create your listing once you are logged in.
go to
select “Login” – blue banner at top
input user and pass and select “login”
You will next see your profile page for this site
(you can add to this later if you want)
>click on “Artist Directory”
>Select “View All Listings” to see your listing
>Scroll down to your listing>select the “Edit” button at lower right of your listing
Here you can edit your descriptions and other information that you wish to share
When these fields are complete,
>select “continue” at the bottom
Here you can add up to 10 images – you can either drag and drop them from a window on your computer or select “Select images from your hard drive” and navigate to the place where your photos can be found. Select the 2 images and select Open to continue.
>After your images have uploaded, select “Continue” – you will see a screen that says your submission was received. Now you can “Go to your listing” or “Return to directory”.
NOTE: If a pop-up comes up asking you to sign up for our email list, select the x at top left. You are already registered on this site.
(This is just our friendly shop dog asking you to pet her – she wants to be sure you come back to visit her often…)
As long as you are still logged in with your username and password you will be able to go back to your listing and edit or make changes
If you have questions or problems creating your FREE Artist and Studio listing please contact us at or call our sales office at (505) 438-9600.